Thursday, July 2, 2009

America's Got Talent

John and I HATE reality tv with a purple passion! But, we do love America's Got Talent. In 2007, Terry Fador was our favorite, and indeed he went on to win!
The other night, the show ended with Kevin Skinner. A country guy from Kentucky who sang Garth Brook's song "If Tomorrow Never Comes". This is one of my all-time favorite Garth songs, Google the lyrics, it is totally awesome! Anyways, this guys starts out looking like a big dweeby country boy. He talks about catching chickens! doesn't speak very well, just real country-fied. Then, he starts playing his guitar, and better yet, he starts to sing! Oh my God! What talent! Every time I watch this video, I boo hoo cry these big ole crocodile tears! I can't control myself, they just flow from my eye sockets!
Watch it for yourself.
I sure hope this link works. I've tried to save it on my computer, but the only part that saves is the stupid commercial!

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