Saturday, November 15, 2008

Can I Fuss For Just One Minute?

So, Judy and I went shopping today, like we do just about every Saturday. We made a trip to Oglethorpe Mall, because, let's face it, aside from the mall, there's not a whole lot of shopping going on here in Savannah.
I wanted to go down to Macy's to look for a new purse I had my eyes on. Outside of Macy's, what did we see?
Excuse me, but since when does Santa come before Thanksgiving? In the Macy's parade, Santa makes his appearance at the end of the parade. Not 2 weeks before Thanksgiving! Give me a break. It's bad enough that the stores go from Halloween straight to Christmas. It's like Thanksgiving doesn't even exist! And now, we have Santa here in town ALREADY!
Next year, he'll probably be here in October!
I actually thought about having my picture taken with Santa, to give to John. But, come's November! And I refuse to think about telling Santa what I want so soon!
ok.....fussing over. I return you to your normally scheduled programing.
Have a great weekend....well what's left of it!

1 comment:

Deborah said...

I have seen all the stuff out but hadn't seen Santa there yet! Wow!!
Emily seems scared of Santa so I don't know if I'll get their picture taken again...I did it last year, but Van didn't really wanta do it. I saw some Thanksgiving stuff on SALE the other day and it was just a few items...I think it's sad that they bring out all the stuff so early..I do like to see Thanksgiving stuff a little!! Did I tell you I heard Dillards at the Sav'h Mall is going to close after Christmas!