We think about Christmas starting way back in September, and anticipate it's arrival. You start the planning process in your head. What am I going to make? What am I going to buy? How will we decorate? How will we spend this special time of the year.
Then the frenzy kicks in, the last minute planning, the shopping for great bargains, getting those cards in the mail on time, and readying the house for the Great Arrival.
And before you know it, it's all done in the blink of an eye!
The holiday you wished would come,....is gone and done.
Then the Christmas presents get put away, hopefully not to get forgotten about.
The decorations get put away for another year.
And life gets back to the everyday routine.
The hustle and bustle of work, and household chores.
And sadly, Christmas becomes a thing of the past.
Judy is already putting some things away.
But I can't let go. Not yet anyways.
Like a long lost friend, I am just not ready to pack up my Christmas just yet.
So, before it does all get put away, I thought I'd share some more pictures from Christmas 2008.
Starting to put up the massive 12 foot tree in the main living room. WHAT was Judy thinking when she bought a tree this big?! It takes all of us to put it up!
You know it's a big tree when John needs a ladder! Don't ask me how it snowed in the living room! This was taken with my little Olympus camera. If it continues to do this, it's getting sent back under warranty!
Judy putting some finishing touches on her tree.
The final product of a hard day's work.
Jingle Bells getting caught trying to sneak a peek at the presents!
Jingles, AFTER he finally got to open his stocking, and now high on kitty nip! Poor thing looks drunk! LOL!
These are some crocheted Candy Canes I made a few years ago. I just love them!
And one final shot of Jingle Bells looking oh so innocent under the tree. Immediately AFTER I told him to quit swatting at the balls! LOL!
I pray that everyone has a Blessed and Happy New Year. I pray that 2009 will be kinder than 2008. That everyone in our "circle" experiences a year of good times, good memories, and good friends. And I pray that we will all be around again next year to celebrate Christmas 2009. May it be full of wonder, and it's own sweet memories.
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