Are ya all done?
Is your shopping completed?
Are the presents wrapped?
Are your cards in the mailbox?
Are the Christmas cookies baked?
Are ya tired? :-)
If you answered NO to any of above questions. Then....what are you doing reading my blog?! You better get busy! Christmas is just 3 days away!
I finished getting some stocking stuffers this morning. And, I have a batch of pinwheel dough in the fridge. I will bake those after I do dinner tonight. Then, I am officially done! I have to put John's stuff in his stocking, but it's all bought, and hid.
I am getting excited about Christmas. Are you?! I have to work the next 2 days, so that's a bummer. But, hopefully we'll be busy enough that time will fly right by, and Christmas will be here before I know it. One of our Orthopedic surgeons has about 7 surgeries posted for tomorrow! Can you believe it? WHO in their right mind would want to be in the hospital over Christmas?! Not me! I have to work, and I certainly don't want to be there! It's going to be crazy getting these people back from surgery, scheduling their follow-up appointments, and out-patient physical therapy before the offices close! Because, nothing will be open Christmas Eve to schedule these things. I think I feel an illness coming on....cough,....cough. I don't think I am well enough to go to work tomorrow. LOL!
I have some pictures of our Christmas tree. And no making fun of my tree. I've worked hard on the poor thing.
I'm really having a hard time getting good pictures of it! It's because it's back-lit in front of this window. I need the natural light, if I wait until it's dark outside, then it's too dark in the room to get the look I want. So, officially I give up. This is as good as it's going to get. So, here is my tree, and a few decorations.

I know, the candles are not straight! They are in real life. But, I had to use the tripod to get these shots, and it's very difficult to do a tripod shot with the camera vertical. YOU try it, and see how hard it is to get everything straight! End of venting. :-)

This is a table in the upstairs hallway leading to our bonus room.

I feel a Christmas story coming out.
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house.
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care. In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

End of story......ran out of appropriate pictures. :-) Aren't you glad about that?
So, instead I have to throw in another picture of "Meow"! Don't' you love his festive look?! Poor cat, I know. But hey...what else do I have to take pictures of? John? Oh yea, like he lets me do that!

Ok, I went over to the house next door, and took some pictures of the pink and green bedroom. What do you think?

Pretty wild colors, huh? You should see the pink and green in their other house! I would never be able to sleep in that room! You need sunglasses it's so bright! At least she chose softer shades. But, it's still quite bright! Oh well...it's what they wanted. Hope they appreciate that John did it for them!
Signing off for now. I hope everyone has a great evening. Kick back, and relax with someone you love. Don't let the holidays stress you out. ENJOY the holidays!
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