Yesterday was a "me" day. My day off from work, and Judy went to Brunswick with John. So, I had the whole big ole house all by myself! Jingles and I listened to Christmas music, addressed our Christmas Cards, did some Christmas crafting, wrapped some gifts, and baked some yummy cookies.

I made M&M cookies, Italian nut balls, and chocolate chip cookies. Care for some?
They all went into the freezer, so you'll have to come over for Christmas, and I'll share some with you.

My most favorite Christmas CD is this one:

I just LOVE Josh! "Believe" is one of my favorite songs. That's the theme song to Polar Express. I have not seen the movie, but I LOVE that song! This guy gives me chills when he sings! Why didn't God give me a great singing voice? Am I not worthy enough? Do I have to wait until I get to heaven to be able to sing well? I can picture it now, I will make it to heaven, and they will laugh at me when I want to sing in the angels choir!
I've made pretty good progress this year. I have to finish the cards, fill stockings, bake more goodies, and maybe do some more crafting. And I'll be all done. The problem now is, everything is wrapped, and I want to open a gift so bad!!! They just sit there...mocking me! Begging me to come take a peek! They chant "come over here....shake me.....try to figure out what is inside of my pretty'll never figure it out on your own.....and you have 2 more weeks to put up with this!"
And I read some of my new book.

I am a big sucker for these books. And they are about Vampires! If I had known, I never would have bought the first one. But, they truely sucked me in (sorry for the pun). Now i can't put them down! I want to see the movie, but unless I go alone, I'll have to wait until it comes out on DVD. John won't go see it with me. Brat! He's just jeolous of the hot, young vamps!
Who says we don't experience Autumn color in Savannah?

The trees have been spectacular this fall. Especially the Bradford Pears, and the Japanese Maples. The colors are incredible! We must have had the perfect condition for folliage this year. Typically, our trees drop their leaves one week, stay bare a few weeks, then sprout out new leaves, and start all over again.
Every day I told myself I need to get pictures. I shot these Bradford Pears the other day at the hospital. Today, most of their leaves were on the ground. :-P
I've been a bad girl when it comes to updating the blog! I've been busy getting ready for christmas....yea, that's my excuse!
Anyways, last week Matthew (John's nephew) graduated from Savannah Technical College with a certificate in Broadcast Technology.
I know a lot of you are sitting there scratching your heads, quickly doing the math. LOL! He WAS the youngest person graduating that evening! So, that's a feather in his cap! At his high school, he had been taking this course along with his curriculum. Now, he'll be one step closer to a career in broadcast when he graduates in 2 years!
We were all very proud of Matt and his accomplishment!
Here are some pictures from his big evening.
Before Graduation. Doesn't look nervous at all!

Texting a girl after the ceremonies!!!

You can tell the person who made this cake was NOT a college graduate! Couldn't even spell congratulations correctly!! It has a T people, not a D! Good grief!!

Looking studious, as any college graduate should!

And his expression when we told him he still has to finish out his last 2 years at Bethesda! LOL!

1 comment:
Wow, you've been busy! I hope we can put our tree up this weekend! I don't have any good cookies to make...all I know how to make is Trey's favorite macadamia nut cookies. What are Italian nut balls? :)
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