Wow! Has it really been that long since my last posting? Time sure does fly when you're having fun, huh?
So, what has been going on in the lives of Penny & John Swindell? Let's see, we last talked about my parent's 50th wedding anniversary.
June 4th John went in for some Day Surgery. He had the Green Light Laser Treatment for prostate enlargement. He tried Flomax for awhile, but really didn't like the pesky side effects, so he got brave and signed up for surgery. I was worried about him going in for surgery. But, he came through like a champ. I think the worst part was coming home with the catheter still in place! But, we went to the doctor's office the following morning, and the catheter came out, he peed on his own, and we were back home in no time. He still has some burning when he goes tee tee, but that is improving. His next visit with the mean ole doctor is June 29th. Hopefully he gets the full release to resume
all activities on the 29th! :-D
June 12th we celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary! It does not feel like it's been 5 years already! We couldn't do anything exciting, since John had just had surgery the week before. We did have an incredible dinner at Vic's On The River down on Bay Street, overlooking Savannah River. The food was good, but a bit too fancy for our taste. We prefer the places where you can wear flip flops, and wipe your mouth on your shirt, huh babe?! LOL! After dinner we came home and spent a relaxing evening.
Before John's surgery, we
finally got the king size bed that we desperately needed! Our dilemma was what to do with the headboard of our old bed. John had one of these big wall unit beds, and we really love the storage that it has, plus the added benefits of all the lighting in it. Our neighbor across the street was going to cut the bridge part in half, and stretch it out to make it a king size, but he never seemed to have the time to get it done for us. So, John dismantled the bridge, and came up with an awesome new headboard. I LOVE it! We still have our storage, we still have our lights, and best of all, we have a comfy king size bed! But why must the kitty still sleep on my legs at night?!
Last week my new play toy arrived! I bought myself a new laptop, and can you guess what color it is? You got it, it's PINK! And, so far I LOVE it! It's a Dell, and I have my fingers crossed that she will be good to me! We haven't had the best of luck with HP products lately, so I found this Dell for a great buy, and went ahead and took the plunge. It's faster than my "old" one, and a whole lot cheaper. Now, if one of my other two finally kick the bucket, I have a backup. The graphics on it are incredible! I think I made a wise purchase. {got my fingers crossed!}
Saturday we are having a big ole garage sale! Did a lot of cleaning out, and we're going to try to sell a bunch of stuff that we don't use. The money we get will go into our next vacation fund. So, I guess our next vacation destination depends on how much crap we sell, huh? I'm dreaming of Aruba, Jamaica, ew I wanna take ya to, Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mamma....sorry, Attention Deficit! LOL! If you're in our neighborhood, and you want to support our vacation fund, bring your wallet loaded up with lots of cash, and do some shopping! We have some cool crap to sell ya! Lots of Queen size bedding, hey, we even have the old bed if you need it! Lots of knick knacks, picture frames, Beanie Babies, an XL Glider, a bike, vacuum cleaner, cameras, you name it, we probably have it! It's going to be 100+ degrees tomorrow, and we're having a garage sale! Well....I should say Judy and John are having a garage sale, I have to work in the cool A/C at the hospital! How did I get out of working the sale?! {wink}!
And, Tuesday is John's birthday! Happy Birthday babe! I got him some cool gifts, I got him....wait,....I can't tell you what I got him, he'll read this, and find out! He must wait until Tuesday! :-)
So, that's what's going on in our part of the world, what's going on in YOUR part of the world?