Ok, so it's Saturday, and I was supposed to try something new and exciting again today. But alas, I had to succumb to this rotten, stinking cold that I caught!
Yup, ya heard me right, I got another cold! Didn't I just go down this stinkin' road a little over a month ago?! Why am I so susceptible to these stupid germs? Who sneezed on my path? And how many people will I contaminate before it's all over with? That thought went thru my head today while shopping. After pushing a shopping cart around for an hour, with germy hands that have been coughed and sneezed into a million times in the last hour, then used to push that buggy, I turn in the cart, and stand at the check out waiting for Judy to pay for her purchase. A young, cute girl with a tight body, and boobs hanging out of her top retrieves that same buggy that I just abandoned. The first thought that went thru my mind was, "sweety, you think you look so hot, but wait a week. When you have this vile green snot flowing from your nose, and clogging your ears, and making you cough your head off, you are not going to think you look so hot." Poor thing! Wish I could be a fly on the wall when she gets sick, and wonders how she caught this gross cold! LOL!
I know, I am being mean. But, I'm sick, I need something to amuse me! Give me a break!
I think the pharmacies have prevented the drug companies from finding a cure for the common cold.
Think about it.....people with a cold are going to plunk out a lot of hard earned money on treating the symptoms of a cold. If they come up with a cure, there goes their profits. You have a cold, you have the snot building up, you're coughing your head off, you feel like crap, what do you do? You run down to the local pharmacy, and you load up on those things that will make you feel better.
Tissues. Not the store brand, no, you need the high end, nice soft ones that don't leave your nose all red and sore.
Then you need the massive amounts of medicines to help this cold feel better.
You need the AM medicine that won't make you foggy. Because, no matter how crappy you feel, you still have to go to work, and pass along your germs to all of your co-workers, and in my case your poor, defenseless patients.
You also need the good night time medicine. You know the stuff, the nigh time sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever so you can rest and have a good day medicine. But, thanks to the Meth Heads out there, the makers of this magic liquid have removed the sudafed, ergo the "stuffy head" part of the potion. So, the new night time medicine is not nearly as good as the stuff we remember. And while I'm on this subject, admit it, how many of you continue consuming this stuff long after the cold symptoms have left your body?! Oh yea....doesn't it make you feel good? No wonder they changed the recipe! LOL!
Back to the shopping list.
You need the cough medicine, the cough drops, and the throat soothing drops.
The nasal spray so you can breathe thru your nose again!
The Mentholatum rub to slather onto your chest.
And of course, don't forget the double chocolate Milanos, and lots of chick magazines. Because, if I am going to be sick, I have to have things to cuddle up with that make me happy. I need those Cosmo ladies telling me how to keep my man happy, or study up on the new fall must haves.
But, when it's all said and done, no matter how much money you have invested to feel better, the stinkin' cold is still going to last 7-10 days, no matter what you do.
What? Yup...that's right. You can make the symptoms feel better, but you are still going to be sick for 7-10 days.....regardless.
And people wonder why I won't see a doctor when I have a cold. Because it's a cold....it's caused by a virus, it can't be cured with an antibiotic. It has to run it's course. Why pay my PCP a co-payment when all he's going to tell me is "you have a cold, you'll feel better in 7 -10 days, now go to Walgreen's and buy some things to make you feel better." What the....??!!!
Therefore, my theory is that the pharmacies, and yes, even my PCP have prevented those drug companies from coming up with a cure for the common cold. Why charge us for one pill that will cure it, or a shot that will prevent it, then they loose revenue on the things that we waste our money on.
So, I am day 4 into this germ fest. Hopefully I have 6 days max to feel like this.
It's 8:30, I think it's time for that night time stuff! Anybody want to join me in NyQuil shooters? LOL!
1 comment:
Hope you feel better soon. Last week Van and I both got sick, but we're feeling better...however...I think Emily isn't feeling good today :(
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