So, it was a perfect night last night. It was still in the 70's, and the sky was crystal clear. The stars were out, and the moon was just starting to peak thru the trees. I had seen some full moon pictures from the other night, and wanted to go out and try my hand at capturing the moon with my camera. It's really hard to make camera adjustments in the dark! But, I played with some manual settings, and this is my favorite one.

Pay particular attention to the right hand side of the moon. See all the craters? I think that looks cool! The sad thing is, I was out there for quite a while with my big fancy Canon Rebel, trying to get some awesome shots. The settings that people had recommended were not working for me and my moon. So, I pulled out my newest camera, a higher end point and shoot, and this is the camera I used to get this shot! Pretty impressive for my new little Olympus, wouldn't you say? The shutter is way too slow to react, but the pictures worked for me!
You know, you need to be careful when it's a full moon. It always brings out a lot of scary creatures.

Did that scare you! LOL!
That's my Jingle Bells. All dressed up for Halloween in his Bat costume! The poor cat! I had to hold him while John got this picture. It's a good thing it turned out, because that was the only picture he was going to stand still for! He jumped away, shook his head really hard, and the bat head went flying across the room! He hasn't had it on since then, and probably never will again! Oh least I got the picture! LOL! I need to find a pet costume photo contest. Do you think we could win?
While I was outside last night, I could hear an owl in our back trees! I wanted to see that owl soooo bad! Judy and I were on the back porch talking about him, and the hooting went away. If you're looking for me some night, and you can't find me, I'll probably be perched outside, waiting for my owl. Maybe I'll go to Petsmart and get some little mice to lure my owl. Would that be too mean? Just kidding of course! I like mice, I wouldn't want to see an owl grab one up.
I hope everyone has a restful, nice weekend. Think of me tomorrow no matter what you do. I'll be the one at the hospital,....wishing I was anywhere BUT the hospital! Oy vey!
1 comment:
LOve Both of those photos!!
I wanta camera like that one...very cool!
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