Yes, I know, I've been delinquent in keeping up with the blog. And I could make a thousand and one excuses for why I've been so bad with posting. Let's just say that I'm sorry I have not been around for awhile, and I will do my best to keep everyone up to date with pictures and stories of what's going on in our lives.
If I could assign one word to spell out 2010 in the Swindell family, I would pick the word "NEW". We took on new projects, had new adventures, saw new places. With so much bad going on in our country and world, we'll only focus on the good, and the new. :-)
January: What can I say about January 2010? It was way too cold for Savannah weather, and way too long! Mother Nature gave us some snow. It didn't stick, but it snowed just the same! John made snow one day. Him and the girl next door had fun playing it. Where was I you ask? Inside my warm house, where else? LOL!

February: our first new for the new year. Usually John goes to Stowe Vermont to play in the snow. This year, they had little to no snow. So, we tried something new, we went to Snowshoe West Virginia. We had incredible snow!

Deer that came to our rental unit everyday to bum food from us, they would eat right out of your hand!

The views were breath-taking! Unlike most ski resorts where your room is at the foot of the mountain, and you're looking up, at Snowshoe you are on the top of the mountain looking down! Incredible!
I took my first ski lesson ever! Something new for me.

The first lesson went great, I only fell once. I should have stopped after one lesson! But no......John books me another lesson with the same instructor. This time, she takes me on the ski lift! Let's just suffice it to lift 6, Penny 0! :-(
March: my birthday month! Celebrated dinner at my favorite Mexican Restaurant, and I got a margarita the size of my head!

I never did finish it! I started to get so hot, I thought I was having a stroke! Had to call it quits. Margarita 1, Penny 0. :-(. Birthday weekend John took me to Orlando. Saturday night parade of old cars in Old Towne Kissimmee,

and a day at Sea World. It was a great birthday.

April: new way to eating begins. I do not call it a diet, because I always fail at diets. I chose to cut the crap out of the way I eat. No fast food, no cookies, candy, chips, real sodas, junk food. And, I started a very intimate relationship with my treadmill that had been collecting dust since last year! By month's end, I was already down 10 1/2 pounds!
May: John's Aunt June comes to visit for a week, and Judy flies back to Boston with her for a vacation. Judy was to embark on a first for her, she was booked to go on her first cruise. But, 2 days before the cruise, she falls in her brother's basement, and breaks her ankle! Yet another first, and I'm sure she would have rather not experienced that kind of first!
John embarks on remodeling our house.

Downstairs gets a coat of paint, chair rails, crown molding, and the start of tearing out wall to wall carpeting and replacing with hard wood. Carpet feels great under the feet, especially on a cold winter night! But allergies and carpet do not mix! And until someone invents a cat food that is dyed the same color as our carpet, we'll go with the wood, thank you very much!

June: 6 years of wedded bliss. Still waiting to have that first big argument! Next year we're supposed to have our 7 year itch, I feel no itch yet. :-)
July: HOT, HOT, HOT! Hottest summer on record. Wish I could remember how that cold winter felt! John started a big job, converting Wachovia bank signs to Wells Fargo. During the hottest month ever. I sure felt sorry for him. No pics for July, we want to forget that!
August: our bathroom remodel begins! I was really worried it would take forever, and there would be a lot of problems. But, all in all, it went smoothly, and now we have the travertine bathroom of my dreams! Thanks babe!

September: while John worked on the house, I would escape to get out of his way. Spent a day with Deb and Zac at the zoo. That was fun! Can't beat a day at the zoo!

October: I embarked some newness of my own. Went on excursions to St. Simon's Island

and Harris Neck Wildlife Refuge. Had a great time, just me and my camera. Next time, maybe my husband will join me?

November: another new adventure. Took John's nephew Matt to vote for his first time!

That was nice to see him make a difference. We also went on our first ever cruise to the Bahamas. I loved it, I think John was bored out of his head. Oh well, it was only 4 days out of his life, and he lived to tell about it.

December: getting ready for Christmas, and John takes the nephews to Stowe
Vermont to snowboard. By Christmas morning, I am 50# lighter! Never did I imagine I'd reach my goal! But, it sure does feel good!
Christmas was quiet and relaxing. Enjoyed time spent with family and friends. Already wondering what to buy him NEXT Christmas! Ah, the pressure! LOL!
And that brings us up to today, the last day of the year. As we face a new, shining year, I wish all of our family and friends the best this year can hold. Let's toast to our health and well being, and pray for lots more firsts and new things in our lives.
Now to select a new word for 2011. Maybe I'll wait until it's over, and sum up the year in one word then.
God bless, and good night. Happy New Year!
1 comment:
Great Post! Happy New Year!!
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