Nothing exciting happening in our neck of the woods. This past weekend, John and I were supposed to go to Atlanta. John was going to treat me to a trip to the Aquarium, and the zoo! But, he had a nasty, icky cold, and I decided we should wait until he felt better. He would have been miserable in the Atlanta heat with a stuffy nose. :-( So, I ended up with a 3 day weekend, and nothing exciting to do!
Friday, I decided to take the camera to Tybee Island to get some shots. Matthew (John's nephew) came with me. It was steamy hot, but thankfully the breeze was blowing!
Saturday Judy and I went to River Street for First Saturday on the River. But, shame on me, I didn't take any pictures! Hey! It was too hot! Does my excuse hold water? Well...at the time, it was so stinking hot, I didn't even think about snapping any pictures! And, I still have some photography assignments to work on. Guess I need to get busy with that, huh?
So, for now, here are some pictures of Tybee Island Georgia. Which, how I will never understand, but Tybee was rated as the #1 healthiest beach in the USA! I'm not even going to get up on my soap box, I will just leave it at that! :-P

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