You guys need to remind me when I make promises like this. :-)
So, here are some photos taken down along the waterfront. They call this The Battery. Don't you love the old homes?! I love the pastel colors. And the widow's walks, and light towers. Charleston is full of history and charm. If you haven't experienced her for yourself, you need to make a trip. Just don't come in July or August when the temperature is 100 degrees, and the humidity is 120% BLECK!!!

Not much going on down here.
Yesterday was my mom's birthday. Mom is not "wired", but if she were, I'd wish her a Happy Birthday.
Tomorrow is both my sister Lee, and my mother-in-law Judy's birthdays.
Lee, I wish I were there to celebrate with you. But, we'll be together next month.
Best Birthday wishes to you! Have some cake for me! Love you!!
Buggs, our bunny is doing well. I think he's still little, but Judy says he's growing. I guess because I see him every day, I don't see how he's growing. I'll have to stick him in the Easter Basket, and see if he still fits. :-)
Work is good. I had lots of patients in class yesterday. That's a GREAT thing! Job security in this economy is always a good thing!
John is working hard. He's trying to decide what his next project will be. Lordy, where does he start? Bedroom paint job needs to be finished. Door frame leading to the bonus room needs to be completed. We want to remodel our bathroom. He plans on putting in a back deck with sunken Jacuzzi (that's the next project I want done!) He wants to erect some more fence behind my roses this year. The roses already have a lot of new growth, so that project will probably be put on hold for awhile. The house needs to be pressure washed, the front flower beds need sprinklers installed, he wants to put up a gazebo where the downed trees came from. Ect, Ect, Ect.
I think that will keep him busy for awhile. Don't you?! Sorry babe!
That's it for the exciting lives of the Swindells. Another weekend is upon us, and now to decide what to do with it! It will soon be Sunday, and it will be all over again! Isn't that the way the weekends go?
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Do something fun!
1 comment:
Those photos are very pretty! We have a ton of projects over here too, but most of it will have to wait until we have the money to do them. Hope you enjoy your weekend!
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