Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Newest Eddition To Our Clan

It's usually the woman begging the man for silly, sappy things.
Am I right?

While we were in Vermont, I saw some bunnies, and chicks on a commercial, and jokingly tell John "we need a bunny, or chickie or duckie for Easter."
Usually I expect the typical response of.... "what are you crazy?! We are not getting another pet!"

No, instead he says "....well.....ok......"

What happened to my husband? No resistance?!
I was seriously teasing.

Later John says "you know...I want a bunny." insert pouty face here.
So, guess what I did?!

That's right, I went out and bought a bun bun for John!
Now we need a name!

Some of the names we've tossed around are:

Bun Bun
Jelly Beans
Jelly Belly
Bob The Rabbit
Groucho because he's got that black mustache

So, it's your turn to help us out, and Name The Bunny. :-)

Here are some pictures of Bob the rabbit LOL.

Jingle Bells is checking out his new brother.

I'm ready for my close-up

I am already thinking of Easter poses for the little fellow.
Guess I will be sending out Easter Cards this year! LOL!


Anonymous said...

Jim said to call him "dinner"!!!!!

Deborah said...

I like Jelly Beans :)