Well.....the sun came out. And it's in the 40's. No rain today, but the snow is melting at an alarming rate!
John is not going to be happy! We have plans to go snowmobiling in New Hampshire on Saturday! Dratted weather!
Here are some pictures of signs of global warming in Stowe.

This is the ice skaing pond. It's been covered in nearly a foot of snow since we arrived this weekend. They shovel it off for the skaters, but I have not seen the ice yet. Till today.

Look at the "Wet" spots! I don't think I'd be brave enough to try to skate out there!

And then there's the slushy muck on the roads. BLECK! One of the many reasons I hate winter!

And, it appears the wild critters think this warm up is the start of spring! The squirrels are doing the spring time dance, chasing each other up and down the trees.
There are more birds out today than I've seen since we got here.

And a few minutes ago, I tell you no lie....a SKUNK passed right outside our window! I was sitting here in a chair, reading an email, when I thought I saw a really fat squirrel under the tree. That wasn't any squirrel! It was an honest to goodness SKUNK! I have a Pepsi chilling in what snow is left on our patio, and I'm afraid to go get it! What if he's still out there? Exactly how far can a skunk shoot you with their spray?! I do not want to experience that first hand!

Enough for now. Will housekeeping ever come to clean our room?! It's 2pm already! And I'm beginning to have my doubts!
Email me if you know how far a skunk can shoot. I'm curous to find out!
Ta ta for now
Love the skunk pix. I'l be showing them to Julie when she awakens. She's been asking me what a skunk looks like when it's alive (we always see dead ones on the side of the road), so I think she'd like to see your snowy skunk pix. Hope you all get to do your snowmobiling today. We are supposed to get some sort of snow/ice/rain mix over today and Sunday. ACK!! I'm ready for spring!!
Everyone I know in Atlanta has been posting their "snow" pictures...but we didn't get any :(
LOVE that squirrel photo and the other nature shots!
Hope you're having a great time!
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