How did YOU ring in the coming of the new year?
I had to work yesterday, that's why my New Years wishes are late in coming. So, John and I rang in the new year asleep! Yes, sad but true. Since I had to get up at 5, we went to bed early. I think John was glad, he thinks it's silly that I like to sit up and watch the ball drop, toast in the new year with a glass of bubbly, and a smoochy kiss, then off to bed. So, we eliminated the watching, the drinking, the smooching, and just went straight to bed. We did HEAR the new year start, as neighbors were shooting off fireworks, and shooting rifles into the air. At least I hope they were shooting into the air, you never know in Savannah! It sounded like a war had broken out down here! Scared the crap out of me to be honest! But, their partying didn't last long, I was able to get right back to sleep.
Spent most of my day at work taking down the Christmas decorations. Now, if I only had the energy to do the same thing here at home! :-0
The best part of my day? John was in the neighborhood running errands, and he surprised me at work by bringing me lunch! It was a sweet gesture which was greatly appreciated! A Chick Fil-A sandwich beats a hospital cafeteria lunch any day of the week!
Any New Years Resolutions anybody care to share?
I hate resolutions, because I never stick to them! It's always the same thing:
-loose weight
-eat more healthy
-exercise regularly
-be more organized
-save money
But, the scales are no longer my friend, and soon the diet goes right out the window. The exercising falls to the wayside, there's always ANYTHING that's more fun to do than exercise! Someone brings a bag of cookies into the house (usually me, because they looked too darn good to pass up!) I get lazy, and throw things everywhere, and that money just starts burning in my pocket, and screams to be spent! LOL!
So, I resolve to make no more resolutions! Works for me. :-)
I am going to TRY to loose some weight. I want to be able to do some hiking in the snow next month, and not be all short of breath, or my knees killing me.
I want to stop taking life so seriously, and try to start having more fun. Let's face it, we're all getting older, and our time here on this planet is getting shorter. And I don't want to leave with regrets. So, if an opportunity for something "fun" comes my way, I am going to jump in with both feet, and enjoy it!
Here's hoping that you and yours have a wonderful new year. That all of your dreams come true. And let's all pray that we'll ALL be better off this time next year than we were this one!
God Bless everyone who's read this. And
Happy New Year!
1 comment:
Happy New Year!
I plan to try to do all those things you listed Hee hee...I do want to lose another 20lbs and I think I can do it! :) Too bad I can't get another lens when I do it this time! I plan to walk on the treadmill and at the beach...I don't know how far you live from the beach..but maybe you can join me sometime! I really enjoyed walking at the Beach last year.
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