I know, the 4th was Friday, and it's Sunday already. We've been a little busy.
I hope everyone had a good holiday. What did you do? Did you have a picnic? Did you watch the fireworks? We didn't do anything like that on the 4th. John worked on the house next door. Oh yea, a lot of you don't know this. John and I bought the house next door in May. He's busy fixing it up. It's remarkable the mess the previous owners had over there! Their idea of a paint job was something else! I think my cat could have painted better! Just a good coat of paint has helped a LOT! We're totally re-doing the bathroom. He had Bath Fitters come in and cover the old tub, and put up a new surround. The tub was just plain gross, it was so bad! And, since the tub was new, we decided to replace everything. New flooring, new toilet, new vanity, ect, ect. The whole bathroom will be redone when he's through. So, John worked on the house on the 4th, and I was out shopping. We did grill burgers for dinner that evening, but that's the extent of our holiday.
John wouldn't go see fireworks, so I drug this photo out of my archives. Shoot, this picture wasn't even taken with my good Canon. This came out of a point and shoot. Not too bad if you ask me.
Yesterday, he worked on the yards of both houses while Judy and I shopped. We went looking for the great 4th of July sales everyone was bragging about. We didn't find anything good for sale. When we got back, I helped John pull weeds off of the fence. I don't think my back will ever be the same!
Today, he's back in the house, fighting with the vanity. When he gets the bathroom done, then we can shut that door, and move on to another room! I think he's going to be painting for a very long time!
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