This past weekend, John and I watched "The Bucket List" on DVD. What a great movie! So inspiring, and touching, and heart-felt. Naturally, I cried like a baby! You know how it's going to end, but it's still hard to take.
For those of you who have been living in a cave the last few months, these 2 men are thrown together at the hospital, each given their death sentences after battling cancer. They develop their "bucket list", the things they want to do before they kick the bucket. I just pray that if I receive a diagnosis like that, that I will be well enough to live out my bucket list, before it's too late. It is very reminiscent of the song "Live Like You Were Dying."
Anyways, the movie got me thinking about my own bucket list. What do I want to accomplish while in this world, before I move on? A few things I have accomplished, so I can mark them off:
I have the career that I always dreamed of.
I have a wonderful marriage to a great man.
I have a healthy family.
I have friends.
I am lucky enough to be able to travel.
I live in a beautiful house.
I have seen Niagara Falls, and been in a helicopter, so there's 2 things off of the list at one time.
I have driven a race car REALLY FAST!
So, what's left you ask?
*I hope to someday have a child, if time allows.
*I want to see the Grand Canyon, and maybe ride a donkey to the bottom. My question is, how do you get back to the top after riding that donkey down?! I'm afraid they make you carry the donkey back to the top!
*I want to see Alaska. I hope to see whales and caribou.
*I want to go on a photo safari of Africa. Imagine seeing lions in the wild!
*I want to go to Australia, and see kangaroos.
*I want to go to Hawaii and see an active volcano, and relax on a black sand beach. I would love to ride in a helicopter again, over an erupting volcano! Or, ya know that Travelocity commercial where the gnome is roasting marshmallows in the volcano? Yea, that sounds like fun!
*I want to be kissed in front of a fountain in Rome.
*I want to go to the top of the Eiffel tower, but I could care less about going to Paris. Go figure!
*I want to see/experience a ghost.
*I have to go to New York city, go to the top of the Empire State Building, see Ground Zero, take a carriage ride through Central Park, and see the lights of Time Square.
*I want to see "the strip" in Vegas, and maybe win some $$ at the blackjack table.
*I want to ride scooters in a quiet Italian countryside.
*I want to go back to Yellowstone in the summer to see the bears.
*I want to ride horses on a beach in Jamaica, or Puerto Rico, or anywhere in the Caribbean.
*and, I want to experience fall in New England. Maybe ride bikes through some quaint, little town.
I guess that would keep me busy for awhile! Sure hope when I get that diagnosis, they also give me a wad of money to pay for all of these trips! LOL! Somehow, I don't think that will happen. So, I'll have to visit these places on the Internet, and pretend I am there. :-(
What's on YOUR bucket list?