If you are sick of winter!
Yup......just what I thought!
Spring has sprung here in Savannah! And not a moment too soon! Can I just go on the record to say that I am READY for spring?! I know, compared to you guys up north, I have nothing to complain about. But seriously, we have had some really cold days and nights, and I am more than ready for it to stop. Now that the time has changed, it's staying light longer, and spring is making her appearance known. The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing.....then for the icky stuff....the pollen is thick in the air, the gnats are biting my head.....but, it could be worse....it could be SNOWING! LOL!
Seriously, it's approaching my favorite time of the year down here. The flowers are just starting to bloom, the trees are starting to get green. By the first of April, spring will be in high gear. I better go to Sam's and buy the economy size bottle of Zyrtec! LOL
Driving home from work today got my spring fever into high gear!
So, to commemorate spring in Savannah, I thought I would share some pictures of spring. Hope you guys from the Frozen Tundra enjoy!

Tomorrow is the BIG St Patty's Day Parade here in Savannah. This year, they are doing it early, as next week is Holy week. So, the drinkin' and the partying will be beginning this evening I guess. The parade is tomorrow, then the flocks of drunks, I mean party goers head down to River Street to do whatever they do down there. Personally, I think they are all NUTS! It's a mass of human bodies, which when you consider it's going to be 80 degrees, and these people have been drinking for several hours, some throwing up on themselves, you KNOW they reek of cigarette smoke, alcohol, and body odor! You can't walk for the crowds, people blowing cigarette smoke in your face, the cussing, the public nudity, oh yea..sign me up. NOT! I guess you can say I am no longer 20, because none of that appeals to me! Instead, I will be working tomorrow, and the weekend I will be staying far, far away from downtown!
For the Irish folks out there....Happy St Patrick's Day! For me, I am waiting for Easter, then my birthday on the 25th. John is planning something, but I have no idea what. If you know....let me in on the secret, it's killing me!

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