Boy, I used to LOVE Halloween as a kid! We spent weeks trying to decide what we wanted to dress up as. Unfortunately, when I was a youngster, grandma made Halloween costumes for me and Mark. Mine was a clown, and Mark's was a witch. I dressed up as that clown for years! I got too tall for the costume, and the pants were like capri's on me (when capri's were NOT in style! Then, when Mark outgrew the witch, I had to be a witch. No store bought costumes for us, no way. Grandma made these great costumes, and by God we were going to wear them. We had to use these tired costumes, year after year. Oh well. They were great when they were brand new, but they got old quick!
Then the witching day of Halloween finally came. The night we had waited so anxiously for all month long! I remember scarfing down my dinner as quick as possible, so we could get out and go trick or treating.
Now mind you, we lived on a big, steep hill. It was torture walking around to all of those houses! Kids today get driven around in cars, not us, we had to hoof it, up and down these steep hills, up and down steep stairs. And we only had 1 hour to trick or treat. From 6-7. These kids in our neighborhood will be walking around at 4pm, right after school! And, when I lived in the apartment, kids would ring my bell at 10pm! Not in the 70's in Ohio. You had 1 hour to hit as many houses as you could, and be back inside the house. We were like mini marathoners. Running from one house to another, tripping over our costumes, tripping over sidewalks. Sometimes, you had to leave the wounded behind, you couldn't have anybody slowing down your progress! I remember the house of one older lady. Every year, she made us all come into her house, and the drilling began. What were we dressed up as, who were my parents, where did we live. Yadda, yadda, yadda! Look, I'm a frickin clown lady, now give me my candy, you're slowing me down! It only took a view visits to her house before we realized this was the house to avoid in future years! Our time was precious, and we didn't have time for all of her crap!
I loved trick or treating as a kid. We had no worries of poisoned candy, or sex offenders. We left the parents at home, and walked ourselves. And we were safe. It was a great time to grow up. I feel so sorry for the kids now! I remember getting popcorn balls, homemade cookies, fudge, and brownies. And not being afraid to eat it!
Then, our hour was over, and we had to go home. Daddy made us dump our stash out on the floor, and he did the daddy inspection. This consisted of confiscating every GOOD piece of candy we had! His favorites were Buns, Snickers, anything with peanuts. He pulled things out of the pile, saying "you don't like these, or these." We got stuck with the plain Hershey bars, the Mary Jane's, the jaw breakers, bubble gum. He got all the good stuff. I was in high school before I ate my first Snicker's bar! He had me convinced I didn't like them!
Then, you pigged out on the candy daddy didn't take away from you, and you tried to go to bed. We were exhausted from the running around, but at the same time, on a major sugar high from the candy, and couldn't sleep!
That candy would last us until Thanksgiving, we got so much. I remember sneaking candy while being in my bed. One night, I was being ever so quiet, trying not to make any noise with the wrapper. Then fear struck, what the heck was I gonna do with that wrapper? Mom was going to find it, and I was going to be in big trouble! That was the first and last time I ever ate a wrapper. Yes, I ate it! I hang my head in shame about it now, but, you gotta do what you gotta do!
I loved Halloween then.
I hope everyone has a safe, and Happy Halloween. And don't eat too much candy. If you can't finish it all, you can send me some. LOL!

I found this on the Internet. I though it was cute.What message are you sending to others regarding your favorite candy? I like Snickers and Reese cups. What's that say about me?
Three Musketeers: Does well in groups but is somewhat pompous. Prone to fancy costumes and arcane weapons. Wears hats in public that are ill-advised.
Almond Joy: I'm going to put aside my aversion to coconut in praising these folks as happy-go-lucky.
Bit-O-Honey: They have contradictory personalities, hoping to express generosity but also having the passive-aggressive desire to damage the fillings of trick-or-treaters.
Butterfinger: Evasive, slippery, not necessarily to be trusted.
Candy Corn: Purely deluded people. They don't get that candy shouldn't attempt to imitate other food groups, particularly corn.
Good & Plenty: Optimistic, perhaps overly so. A little bit of Weimar energy. Strong advocate of gay rights; acquainted with the bitterness at the center of most lives.
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups: Generous souls. Those who understand the salty in life, as well as the sweet.
Snickers: Just going with the crowd, the safe candy choice, guaranteed to please the masses. Not ambitious, but dependable.
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