Happy Belated New Year! Here's hoping everyone had a blessed New Year's! That everyone partied responsibly, and are sticking to those New Years Resolutions! LOL! I have resolved not to make any more resolutions. It's just too dang hard! It's too much pressure to keep up with! Instead, I resolve to just do the best that I can, with whatever I do. If I fail, I'll pick myself up, and try again. :-)
So, back to the sucky weather. We had like 14 days of below normal temps. And we're talking COLD! Daytime highs in the 40's when we were lucky, and teens at night!
Hello.....what has happened to their whole "Global Warming" crap? Sure aint pertaining to this winter, now is it? Last weekend we dipped down into the teens, so John took advantage of the cold, and made snow Saturday night!
Yep...you heard that right, he made SNOW. Seems before we were married, he bought himself a snow machine! I even remember seeing this man on the news one winter who made snow, and all of the neighbor kids were playing in his back yard. I thought to myself "the ding dong."! Who knew that how many years later, I would marry that ding dong?! Small world, huh? :-) There are other quirky stories about how we could have met a long time ago, but I'll save those for another boring sucky weather day.
Back to last Saturday night. I'm getting ready to go to bed, all comfy in my flannel pj's, which I don't get a chance to wear flannels here in Savannah too often but they're getting broken in good the last few weeks! I'm ready for bed, and my hubby goes out into the cold night air to rig up his snow machine! Sunday morning, I woke up to a yard with snow! Not a lot of snow, just a dusting, but it sure was a sight to see in Savannah GA! LOL!
Of course John was out Sunday morning playing in his snow, and the neighbor's daughter Kerstyn came over to help him have some fun. They had a snowball fight (if you can call it that! ) And then they used as much snow as they could, and built a little snowman. He stood about 3 feet high. Pretty darn good for Savannah snow! And, that little snowman lasted until Thursday! THAT was impressive!
Below are some pictures of our Savannah snow, and our little snowman. I hope you enjoy them.
It looks so pretty on the oak tree!
A snowball fight with the neighbor's daughter
Looks like Kerstyn is in trouble!
Do you think roses mind being snowed on?!
An icicle teardrop?
A small blanket of white
Forming the snowman
Let's use Hershey kisses for eyes and buttons!
A powerdrill?! Poor Frosty!
Snowman needs Lasik!
Now that's what I call an Original Savannah Snowman!