Phew! What a week!
It all started last Sunday, we drove to Concord North Carolina, home of the Lowe's Motor Speedway. YES....I got to have my NASCAR experience! And I have pictures, a t-shirt, hat, and a Jeff Gordan racing licence to prove it!
It was a BLAST! You start by signing your life away to them, you know, the typical contract that says if you die, you can't come back and sue the track! Then, you get suited up, and they take your picture by a replica of Jeff Gordan's car. I liked my picture from April better than the picture last week. :-(

Then, you do a LOT of sitting around, waiting on the classes ahead of you to get done. Then they take the drivers to the media room to meet the instructors, and go over the rules and regulations. They tell you what the different color flags mean, and how to stay in the path of your instructor's car. Then, they take you outside and introduce you to a Nextel Cup Nascar racing car. They show you how to get in and out of the car, and what to expect. Then, they load the drivers into a van, and drive you around the track. I think so that you can see that you will NOT fall off of those banked turns! They are really steep at the Lowe's track!
Then, they call out groups of about 8 drivers to get helmeted up, and go Zoom Zoom.
I did a ride along with a professional driver, so I did that first. They stuff me into his car (Jeff Gordan's #24 car!) And I do mean STUFF! I got my body in ok, but I couldn't get my head into the window because of the helmet! I thought they would break my neck, trying to stuff my head into the car! Needless to say, they removed my helmet before getting me out of the car! Then, the driver takes off, and runs you around the track 4 times. They say he reaches speeds of 185 mph! I know it was FAST, and like a roller coaster ride, it was over before you knew it! It made me nervous of my driving it alone, I knew there was no way I could ever make that car go anyways near that fast! We were approaching cars on the track, and it looked like he was going to plow right into them! He made me nervous! But, I survived. Then, I waited my turn to drive.
I climb into the Bass Pro car. And they strap me in.

And I mean they strap you in! I don't know how those racers get out of those cars in an emergency! And you can't see what they are doing to you due to the helmet and neck collar. So, I'm all strapped in, and they raise my window curtain. It's show time! The car is idling, and they tell me I am to follow a car who is sitting beside me. So, I wait, this car doesn't move. Then my pit crew boss is looking at me like "why isn't this lady starting?" Then he says, oops, I mean the red car in FRONT of you! Yea, that makes more sense! Now I gotta use all the knowledge that John gave me during those driving lessons of driving a stick shift. In his jeep, I get nervous when starting out, and stall putting it in first gear. This race car, you just take your foot off of the clutch, and it's already moving! So, I am now officially moving.

They tell you to shift at 3,000 rpms. So, you are in 4th gear before getting all the way out of pit row! I wasn't the most graceful shifter, but I got her into 4th gear, then I just sat back and tried my best to keep the car in my instructor's tracks. Which seems like an easy thing to do, but it AINT! It took all of my upper body strength to keep that steering wheel steady! And, I had heard some guys talking that the key to being fast is keep it fast on the turns. So, I am trying my best to speed up on the turns, but my lead car would slow down on the turns! And I found myself having to let up on the gas on too many turns! Every time we approached turn 4, I wanted to give it my all, because I knew John was standing there, and I didn't want to be looking slow on the track! I haven't gotten my official numbers yet, but the girls at the track told me my high speed was 135 mph. Which is ok, I'm not upset by that number, but I wish it were higher! :-( Can't wait to see the video they shot of me. There is a camera mounted in your car, and it records the view out of the windshield, and the view of your head driving! I was so nervous, I forgot all about the camera until the last couple of laps, which is probably a good thing!
After North Carolina we drove up to mom and dad's house. John promised daddy he would change out his electrical meter box, and change him from the old fuses to a breaker box. They spent most of Tuesday fiddling with wires, while mom and I watched. Not much else to do with no electricity! Afterwards, we went to Lee and Chris' house for a picnic. Lots of yummy food, and catching up. Wednesday I drove John around the valley that I grew up in. We went to the Good Zoo at Ogelbay, and went to visit the new high school in my home town. The schools opened over Christmas break. There is one big elementary school for all of the kids, and then a big building that the middle school and high school share. I love the new high school! The doors were unlocked, so we snuck in. Of course it has lots of purple, our school color, and it's so modern, compared to the old building I went to school in! Makes me ALMOST wish I were back in high school again. Notice I said ALMOST!
Thursday was out 4th Anniversary, and I booked us a 2 night stay at a Bed & Breakfast at Atwood Lake.

We visited Amish country, ate lots of good country food, rented a boat and drifted along the lake, and enjoyed some relaxing down time.

Then yesterday we drove back home. It was really good to get back. Meow missed us, and is enjoying some spoiling time!
When I get organized, I'll post some pictures of our adventure.
Penny & John