It was time for his annual visit to the vet.
Last year this time he was neutered, and at that time, he was about 3 months old, and weighed in just under 5 pounds. A little thing.
Today, he's about 15 months old, and weighs in at a hefty 17 pounds!
I was shocked! The last time we weighed him, he was about 16 1/2. But that's not a very accurate weight. But, Dr Mary wasn't upset with the numbers. She said he's not "fat", he's just a big cat. I knew he would turn out big, he's got this big ole head on him! She loves his white stripe down his back, said we really should have named him Pepe' Le Pew! See.....I KNEW it! But John wouldn't let me.....pout.

Yesterday I FINALLY found a Wii! Can you believe it?! I have been looking since October 2006! Our stores have not had very many of them in. I was at Walmart yesterday, and they had 2. I debated about it, walking up and down the aisles, trying to talk myself out of it. There was a young girl standing there, texting on her cell phone. I went away for awhile, and came back to the display. Girl was still standing there. The girl's mother came up with a sales clerk to unlock the case. Then the girl starts talking to someone on her phone ..."yes...she's here to get mine, they have 2." Then I spoke up and told the clerk I wanted one too "never mind" the girl says, "some lady just bought the last one"! She had a friend somewhere else in the store, and was telling them they had 2 in stock. They only allow 1 per customer, so I got the last one, and the friend lost out! Na na na na boo boo! LOL! Now we gotta hook it up, and play games! I gave it to John as a Valentine's gift.
Now, maybe I'll get that touch Ipod that I am dying to get.