Friday, November 30, 2007
Final Craft Show Was HUGE Success!
I KNEW I'd have better luck with "home field" advantage! I was selling things before I could even unpack the boxes! Nurses from our night shift were downstairs 5 minutes after I got there, going thru the boxes, and buying my things before they were even on display! The crowds were great, census is still high in the hospital, so lots of visitors roaming the halls, and lots of employees working. I was right down the hall from the cafeteria, so I got all of that traffic in and out getting their food. I sold way more than at Candler! And overall, I am a very happy camper!
The bows went over really well early in the day. I made a total of 36 of them, but I bet I brought home 19 all together. That's ok though, at $10 a bow, I paid for the ribbon that went into them. Now I have something to decorate the house with! Anybody need a pretty bow? Or need a purse or diaper bag? I don't have very many left, but do still have a few.
Now I got a pocket full of money, and I need to spend it! LOL!
Tomorrow is December! Can you believe November is over already? Only 25 days till Christmas. Do you know what you are getting me? wink wink My shopping is done (I think) I just need to get the cards into the mail, and sit back and enjoy the holiday without all of the hustle and bustle. Judy leaves for Boston in the morning, and she'll be gone for 12 days! So, John and I get to "play house" so....if the house is rockin'.................LOL!
Have a great weekend!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Happy Turkey Day!
Sue me!
Some of us had to work the holiday.
Am I bitter about that?
Heck yea!
I haven't worked 3 days in a row in a longgg time. And this week, I had to work those dreaded 3 days in a row! It was utter chaos at work! Of course we had a skeleton crew. Staffing sucked, after all, it was a holiday week, census SHOULD have been low. One of our doctors did 5 total joint replacements the day before Thanksgiving, yes, 5! It was not fun at all!
Then, Thanksgiving morning, I get up to go to work, drag my sleepy shell of a body into the bathroom to take that glorious hot shower to get the blood pumping, and the eyes open. Not a single drop of water would even trickle out of the spigot! Nothing, zip, zilch, nadda. How in the world do I get ready for work, when I can't shower?! I was stressed out, trying to figure out what the heck I would do with my hair! Talk about a bad hair day! I used a curling iron, trying to get it to do something. Then, the kick in the head, everyone complimented me on my hair! Are you SERIOUS! Can you say ICK?!
Of course my day sucked. The hospital did feed us a turkey dinner, but it's not the same as home cooking. The turkey was dry, the sweet potatoes had no marshmallows on them, and I had myself all geared up for a piece of pumpkin pie. All of the pie they had was sweet potato! What?! No pumpkin?! I about came unglued! Those poor cafeteria workers! I pouted, I fussed. I was stuck in that God-forsaken hospital for the holiday, over-worked, under-staffed, under appreciated, I wouldn't get to eat with my family, and the only thing I was looking forward to was a piece of pumpkin pie! Was it too much to ask to have just one piece of pumpkin pie?! The cashier felt so sorry for me, she told me to come back at suppertime, and she would have a slice of pumpkin pie for me! :-) I watched that clock the rest of the day, waiting for my slice of pie. It wasn't as good as my mom's, or even my own, but it was a sweet slice of heaven in my hectic day.
So, Thanksgiving is over for yet another year. Now the Christmas countdown begins!
Yes, I went shopping on "Black Friday". I wasn't crazy enough to be out there at 4am, but I got out. Most of the crazy people were gone by the time I went out. Circuit City was a zoo (of course), but I didn't see any big bargains. I wanted a Wii, but I've about given up looking for the stupid thing! I've only been looking since this time LAST YEAR! Why can't Nintendo meet the customers demands?! Why did they release this thing, if they couldn't keep it on the shelves?! It's been a friggin' year, I figured by now everyone in the country had one, but me!
I did get the winter coat I had my eye on for a couple of months. I am proud of the deal I got on it. Now I won't freeze when John and I go to Stowe in February!
What else?............I played house wife today. Cleaning, laundry, decorating, throwing things out. I want to put up our Christmas tree, but I figure Jingles will knock it down. I might sit it up, undecorated for a while, and see how he does. That way, I won't have to worry about him breaking anything.
My final craft show is Friday. I want to make sure I make some money, so I brainstormed over what else to offer. What can I do, that nobody else will have, that will fly out the window? I was making a big bow for on top of Judy's tree. And I remembered last year I made some bows at work, and people asked me how much I would charge to make them bows. So, I went to Michael's, and stocked up on Christmas ribbon, and I am making big bows with long streamers on them. I hope all of my work was not senseless. I hope they sell. Who knows, ......maybe I'll make enough money to buy a Wii.......if I could ever FIND one!
1 Month From Today Is Christmas!
Do you know what you are getting me? wink
Saturday, November 17, 2007
My First Craft Show

Yesterday was my first craft show ever.
The hopsital was sponsoring an employee craft show. Our organization is a combination of 2 of Savannah's oldest hospitals. The craft show yesterday was at our other facility.
The crowd was pretty light. Not much traffic. And it doesn't help when you don't personally know a lot of the people there. Folks would be browsing my stuff, then they realized they knew the lady next to me, and they rushed over to see what she had, totally blowing me off. :-( I did ok, but not as well as I had hoped. Also too many people selling purses. Even though mine were MUCH nicer!
The show at my hospital is November 30. I am hoping things go better there. People know me, and a lot of people know I am going to be selling my bags. They've already seen them, and they are waiting to get some.
So, wish me luck, and hopefully I will do better.
I already spent what I made on Christmas presents. :-)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Ok, I Thought This Was Pretty Cool
I omitted all the MEN it said I looked like! How Rude!
But, not as rude as saying I look like Hillary!
I've always thought I looked a lot like Gina Davis, and it didn't even mention her. |
My Jingles, a Hero
Sunday after the morning news paper, and breakfast, John went to work to mount a sign, and Judy went off to church. When I had had enough of the morning news, I went upstairs to get some work done. Jingles was in my craft room, and being very vocal. At first I blew him off, he's up to something, and just wanting some attention. I was putting things away, and as I passed by the door, I noticed he had something on the floor in front of my bookcase. At first it looked like a dead leaf. I figured he had gotten into one of my plants again.....bad kitty. But the leaf moved. And it didn't look like a leaf. It actually looked like a leach, or a centipede! What in the world did he have?! As I approached him, the thing moved! So, it definately was NOT a leaf. He's pawing at it, and meowing like crazy. I looked up close, still unable to make out what this alien object was on my floor. Then it dawned on me what it could Betta fish! Poor fishy tried to commit fishacide, and jumped out of his bowl, onto the floor! But Jingles saved his life. He kept meowing to get his momma's attention. He could have had fresh fish for brunch, but he saved the little fishey instead!
Jingles is such a good little kitty kat!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
In Honour Of Veteran's Day

This story was emailed to me by a very close friend who also happens to be a soldier in our U.S. Army. I knew I had to hang onto the story, and put it on my blog for Veteran's Day.
Sometimes The Little Things We Take For Granted
Here is a soldier stationed in Iraq, stationed in a big sand box. He asked his wife to send him dirt, fertilizer, and some grass seeds, so he can have the sweet aroma, and feel the grass grow beneath his feet.
Sometimes we are in such a hurry, we forget about the little things that we take for granted. Upon reading this, please say a prayer for our soldiers who give (and give up) so unselfishly for us.

Naturally, I tend to be skeptical of anything I read on the Internet. People like to make things up. So, I researched this story on Urban Legends, and indeed it is true. The following story brought tears to my eyes.
The photograph displayed above is genuine, and shows Warrant Officer 1 Brook Turner tending a plot of grass with a pair of scissors at a military post north of Baghdad. The picture was taken by Staff Sgt. Mark Grimshaw in mid-July 2004.
According to the Salem Stateman Journal, Turner asked his wife to send him some grass seed because he missed the green he was accustomed to in Hawaii, and before that in Oregon.
Kim Turner was happy to send her husband a little slice of home. She bought a packet of grass seed and a small hoe and mailed them with other goodies in a care box.
Brook prepared a spot behind the single-side trailer he shares with a few other soldiers, lining the 3-foot-by-7-foot area with large rocks, and adding some dirt.
As soon as the seed arrived, he planted it. He knew keeping the seed moist would be a challenge in the 125-degree heat.
His fellow soldiers teased him about his failed project, but he was determined to grow a patch of grass. He talked with some Iraqis civilians authorized to be on post, and arranged to buy some sod. He purchased seven 1-foot-by-3-foot patches.
Turner watered his lawn three times a day. He used a 5 gallon jug he filled in the bathroom, where the camp has running water.
Every morning, before reporting to duty, Turner and his fellow soldiers walk barefooted through their little patch of grass. Starting their day walking on U.S. SOIL.
God Bless all the men and women who have served, and who are currently serving, to allow me and my family to live safe.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Who Wants COOKIES?!
I got this e-mail from an old high school friend Becky, and had to share it right away!
Not all of the links work, but the majority of them do.
This is remarkable! Even if you have no particular interest, please pass on to the bakers in your life. They'll appreciate it. Just click on the name of the cookie and bam the recipe is there. Good to keep handy 1-2-3 Cookies 7 Layer Cookies Allie Nelson's Famous Snickerdoodle Cookies Almond Crescent Shortbread Amish Sugar Cookies Andies Candies Cookies Angel Crisps Angenets Applesauce Cookies Apricot Fold-Overs Aunt Edy's Molasses Crinkles Auntie Linda's Ginger Gems Bakeless Dream Cookies Banana Drop Cookies Best Chocolate Chip Cookies in the World Biscotti Biscotti Blueberry Cookies Boiled Chocolate Oatmeal Drop Cookies Bronwnies Brown Sugar Shortbread Brownie Cookies Brownie Delight Brownies Buccaneer Snowballs Buried Cherry Cookies Butter Cookies Butter Nut Balls Butterballs Butterscotch Haystacks C.O.P. Cookies Candy Cane Cookies Candy Cookies Caramel Shortbread Cheesecake Brownies Cherry Buns Cherry Crowns Cherry Winks Chewies Chewy Noels Chinese Chews/Haystacks Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars Chocolate Chip Cookies Chocolate Chip Meltaways Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies Chocolate Christmas Trees Chocolate Cream Cheese Squares Chocolate Crinkles Chocolate Mint Snow-Top Cookies Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies (no bake) Chocolate Snowball Cookies Chocolate Streusel Bars Chocolate Sundae Cookies Chocolate Walnut Crumb Bars Choco-Scotch Crunchies Choose A Cookie Dough Recipe Christmas Crackers Christmas Crunch Bars Christmas Ginger Snaps Christmas Macaroons Christmas Mice Cookies Christmas Shaped Cookies Church Window Cookies Coconut Cookies Congo Squares Cookie in a Jar Corn Flakes Cookies Cornflake Christmas Wreaths Cowboy Cookies (oatmeal) Cream Cheese Cookies with Apricot Filling Crème De Menthe Chocolate Squares Crème Wafers Crescent Cookies Crispy Crunchies Date Nut Balls Date-nut Pinwheel Cookies Diabetic Peanut Butter Cookies Disgustingly Rich Brownies Doodles Double chocolate chip cookies Double-Chocolate Crinkles Eatmore Cookies Eggnog Cookies Elizabeth's Sugar Cookies<> Elves Quick Fudge Brownies Emily Dickinson's Gingerbread Cookie Recipe Emily's Best Brownies Famous Oatmeal Cookies Firemen Cookies Fluffy Shortbread Cookies Forgotten Cookies Frosted Peanut Butter Brownies Fruit Cake Cookies Fruitcake Squares Fry Pan Cookies Gems Ginger Cookies Ginger Crinkles Gingerbread Baby Gingerbread Cookies with Butter Cream Icing Gingerbread Men Gingerbread Men Ginny's Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies Glory's Golden Graham Squares Glory's Sugar Cookies Gramma Chapman's chocolate coconut drops Grandma Elsie's Zimt (cinnamon) Cookies Grandma J's Butter Cookies Grandma Olson's Parkay Cookies Great Grandmothers Sugar Cookies Gum Drop Cookies Gumdrop Gems Haystack Cookies Ho-Ho Bars Holiday Cereal Snaps Holiday Chocolate Butter Cookies Holiday Raisin Walnut Bars Holly Cookies Hungarian Cookies (Little Nut Rolls) Ice Box Cookies Irresistible Peanut Butter Cookies Italian Cookie s Jacob's Peppermint Snowballs Jam Bars Jessica's Famous Brownies Jessie's Chocolate Chip Cookies Jubilee Jumbles Juliet's Peanut Butter Blossoms Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookies Kentucky Colonels Kiefle (cream cheese cookies with jam filling) Kifflings < style="COLOR: #bf277e; FONT-FAMILY: Georgia">Kiss Cookies Lacy Swedish Almond Wafers Lemon Angel Bar Cookies Lemon Bars Lemon Cake Cookies Lemon Cream Cheese Cookies Lemon Squares Linzer Tarts Log Cabin Cookies Luscious Lemon Squares M&M Cookies Magic Cookie Bars Melt in Your Mouth Cutout Sugar Cookies Melting Shortbread Meme's Cream Cheese Cookies Milk Chocolate Florentine Cookies Mincemeat Cookies Mincemeat Goodies Molasses Cookies Molasses Forest Cookies Molasses Sugar Cookies Mom Mom's Crescent Cookies Mom-Mom's Ginger Cookies Mom's Nutmeg Sugar Cookies Mom's Old Fashion "Puffy" Sugar Cookies Monster Cookies Moravian Christmas Cookies Nana's Famous So ft Southern Cookies Nitey Nite Cookies No Bake Chocolate Cookies No Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies No Bake Cookies No Bake Cookies No Bake Peanut Butter Cookies No-Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies No-Bake Cookies Norwegian Sugar Cookies Nut Balls Oatmeal Bars Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Nut Cookies Oatmeal Coconut Crisps Oatmeal Cookies Oatmeal Scotchies Old Fashioned Sugar Cookies Ooey Gooey Caramel Chocolate Dunk Ooey Gooey Squares Orang e Slice Cookies Parking Lot Cookies Peanut Blossoms Peanut Butter Bars Peanut Butter Blossoms Peanut Butter Cereal Cookies Peanut Butter Chewies Peanut Butter Chocolate Bars Peanut Butter Cookies Peanut Butter Cookies Peanut butter fingers Peanut Butter Reindeer Peanut Butter Surprises Peanut Marshmallow Cookies Pecan Puff Cookies Peppermint Snowballs Peppernuts Persimmon Cookies Persimmon Cookies Petey's Yummy Spicy Almond Thins Pfeffernuesse Pffefferneuse Cookies Pineapple Filled Cookies Pizzelles Potato Chip Cookies Potato Flake Cookies Praline Cookies Praline Strips Pterodactyl Nests Pumpkin Bars Pumpkin Bars Pumpkin Chip Cookies Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies Pumpkin Cookies Queen Biscuits Quick Cookies Raised Sugar Cookies Raisin Filled Oatmeal Bars Raspberry Meringue Bars Really Peanutty Butter Cookies Reese`s Brownies Reese's Peanut Butter Bars Rich Flavor Christmas Cookies Rich Lemon Bars Ricotta Cheese Cookies Royal Almond Christmas Bars Rudolph Cinnamon Cookies Russian Tea Cookies Russian Teacakes Samantha & Kelsey's Chocolate Chip Cookies Sand Art Brownies Santa Claus Cookie Pops Santa Claus Cookies Santa's Butterscotch Melts Santa's Shorts Santa's Special Squares Scotch Cakes Scotch Shortbread Scotcharoos Scotcheroos Seven Layer Cookie s Short Bread Cookies Shortbread Skor Squares Snicker Doodle Cookies Snickerdoodles Snickerdoodles Snow Balls Sour Cream Apple Squares Sour Cream Christmas Cookies Special K Cookies Spice Cookies Spicy Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Spritz Cookies Stained Glass Window Cookies Stir & Drop Sugar Cookies Sugar Cookies Sugar Cookies Sugar Cookies Swedish Pepparkakor (Pepper Cake) Cookies Swedish Sugar Cookies Sweet Marie's Swiss Treats Taralle (Italian Cookies) Tea Time Tassies Texas Brownies The Best Shortbread in The World Thumbprint Cookies Thumbprint Cookies Toffee Squares Traditional Christmas Sugar Cookies Traditional Gingerbread M en Cookies Triple-Chocolate Chip Cookies Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies Vanilla Waffer Balls Walnut Butter Cookies Walnut Crumb Bars White Chip Chocolate Cookies Wild Oatmeal Cookies Will's Famous Apple Jack Cookies Yummy Yummy Peanut Butter Blossoms
Sunday, November 4, 2007
A Day At The Zoo!
The zoo was really nice. Not a big crowd, and you couldn't have asked for better weather. Afterwards, I got to check out a Hobby Lobby store. Ok, I am addicted! Why can't we have one in Savannah? Of course, if we had one close by, I'd go broke in there! It's for my own good that we don't have one!
Here is a sampling of my favorite zoo photos. Hope you like them!